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  If you know of spirits who need healing and crossing over, please do not hesitate to contact this website.     We can help those restless spirits heal and find the Light.

Warrior Healing.

  A Civil War confederate Lt Colonel came calling one evening requesting assistance in crossing over to the Light. He was astounded that the War had been over for 150 years, as he thought the battle, where he died, was the day before.

 Setting up sacred space, which was open to Civil War combatants, civilian casualties, and the animals involved, we worked to create a healing pathway to the Other Side. Then began releasing their entangled negative emotions such as remorse for killing and sadness for letting down their families by dying, that made them feel too heavy to cross over. 

 The Lt. Col. got on the healing table first, then leaped off to organize the troops in rank and file, marching them through the sacred space. The deceased civilians thanked us as they walked through and the horses were heard whinnying as they galloped past us.

 The human and animal spirits continued to pass through the healing pathway for three days. Some of the combatants would dash back through to the battle ground to reassure and heal the ones that were too fearful that they would be judged and sent to Hell; that there was nothing to fear and their families were waiting for them on the Other Side. Tens of thousands came through the pathway to the Other Side before it closed.

    To make a long story short, a Creek Native American grandmother of mine came to me a few years ago to assist her in crossing over to the Other Side.

    In 1817, the Federal Government decided to move all Native Americans west. Heartbroken to be separated from her husband and children, Missy, as her neighbors called her, committed suicide and was buried in an unmarked grave on the family farm in Tennessee.

   When the ceremony to assist her crossing over commenced, she stepped off the healing table to become the anchor for the thousands of Native Americans who had died rather than be taken away. 

   After all had passed through the sacred space to cross over, she walked through closing the sacred space behind her; thanking the participants for assisting so many Native Americans to heal and cross over to the Light.

She Preferred to be Called  Ancient Grandmother

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